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accrued dividend

A regular dividend that is considered to be earned but not declared or payable.

Related information about accrued dividend:
  1. Accrued Dividend Definition | Investopedia
    An accounting term referring to the balance sheet item that accounts for dividends that have been declared but not yet paid to shareholders. Accrued dividends ...
  2. Accrued Dividend Definition - What is Accrued Dividend?
    What is Accrued Dividend? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Accrued Dividend.
  3. What is accrued dividend? -
    Definition of accrued dividend: Regular dividend considered to have been earned by the stockholders, but not yet declared or payable.
  4. What is accrued dividend? -
    Definition of accrued dividend: A regular dividend that is considered to be earned but not declared or payable.
  5. Accrued Dividend: Definition from
    Accrued Dividend An accounting term referring to the balance sheet item that accounts for dividends that have been declared but not yet paid to shareholders.
  6. Accrued Dividend - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A dividend that a publicly-traded company has declared but on which payment is not yet due. For example, if a company declares a dividend on May 31 to be ...
  7. Accrued Dividend Law & Legal Definition
    Accrued dividend refers to an accumulated unpaid dividend on preferred stock. It is a regular dividend that is considered to be earned but not paid. It is also ...
  8. Accrued dividend - Merriam-Webster Online
    a dividend earned or assumed earned at a specified rate on cumulative preferred stock but not declared or paid. This word doesn't usually appear in our free ...