Exchange Currency

bond valuation

The act of evaluating certain aspects of a bond such as the interest rate, possible yield, and maturity date to determine the fair value of the security.

Related information about bond valuation:
  1. Bond valuation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Bond valuation is the determination of the fair price of a bond. As with any security or capital investment, the theoretical fair value of a bond is the present value ...
  2. 4.2.2 - Basic bond valuation
    Apr 2, 2004 ... Basic bond valuation formula. A bond's value is the present value of the payments the issuer is contractually obligated to make -- from the ...
  3. Bond Valuation Definition | Investopedia
    A technique for determining the fair value of a particular bond. Bond valuation includes calculating the present value of the bond's future interest payments, also ...
  4. Bond Valuation
    Bond Valuation. Bonds are long-term debt securities that are issued by corporations and government entities. Purchasers of bonds receive periodic interest ...
  5. Bond Valuation -
    A bond (Watch Video) is when a company or government borrows money from the public or banks, bondholders, and agrees to pay it back later. Coupon ...
  6. Bond Valuation - YouTube
    Dec 20, 2008 ... Bond Valuation. ... MoneyWeek Investment Tutorialsby MoneyWeekVideos 28,116 views; Bond Valuation 7:38. Watch Later Bond Valuationby ...
  7. Bond Calculator (P. Peterson, FSU)
    There are five variables in a bond valuation problem. Using a financial calculator requires that you type in the four known elements (N, PMT, I, and FV) and solve ...
  8. Microsoft Excel Bond Valuation |
    Demonstrates how to perform bond valuation on a payment date and between payment dates using Microsoft Excel and its built-in functions.