Exchange Currency

calendar effect

The tendency of stocks to perform differently at different times of the year. One example is the January Effect.

Related information about calendar effect:
  1. Calendar effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A calendar effect is any market anomaly or economic effect which appears to be related to the calendar. Such effects include the apparently different behaviour ...
  2. Calendar Effect Definition | Investopedia
    ... or bad times to invest. Some theories that fall under the calendar effect include the Monday effect, the October effect, the Halloween effect and the January effect.
  3. Calendar Effect - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Describes the tendency of stocks to perform differently at different times. For example, a number of researchers have documented that historically, returns tend to ...
  4. f - Research Department - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
    (excess) returns specific to the calendar effect being studied. ... a specific calendar effect needs to condition on the nuisance of all conceivable effects, unless ...
  5. What is calendar effect? definition and meaning -
    Definition of calendar effect: The tendency of stocks to perform differently at different times of the year. One example is the January Effect.
  6. VIX and More: The Calendar Effect and Time Decay
    Oct 29, 2009 ... Since the beginning of last year, I have periodically discussed what I call “ calendar reversion,” which is essentially a phenomenon caused by ...
  7. What is calendar effect? -
    Definition of calendar effect: Change in a market due to some statistically significant relationships between particular days of a week (or particular months of a ...
  8. Calendar Effects
    Home. Calendar Effects. Calendar effects (sometimes less accurately described as 'seasonal effects') are cyclical anomalies in returns, where the cycle is based ...