The separation of a company's common stock into multiple classes, such as Class A and Class B. also called complex capital structure or multiple capital structure.
Related information about classified stock:
- Classified Shares Definition | Investopedia
The separation of company equity into more than one class of common shares, usually called "Class A" and "Class B." Also known as "classified stock".
- Classified Stock - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
The division of stock into more than one class of common stock, usually called Class A and Class B. The specific features of each class, which are set out in the ...
- classified stock - The Free Dictionary
Noun, 1. classified stock - common stock classified as A or B where A has certain advantages (e.g., voting power) that B does not. common shares, common ...
- What is classified stock? definition and meaning
Definition of classified stock: The separation of a company's common stock into multiple classes, such as Class A and Class B. also called complex capital ...
- What is Classified Stock?
Brief and Straightforward Guide: What is Classified Stock?
- classified stock Definition | Business Dictionaries from AllBusiness ...
separation of equity into more than one class common, usually designated Class A and Class B. The distinguishing features, set forth in the corporation charter ...
- Classified Stock: Definition from
Common stock divided into two or more classes. A typical approach is for a company to issue Class A stock to raise the bulk of equity capital while vesting.
- Classified stock Definition -
Classified stock: read the definition of Classified stock and 8000+ other financial and investing terms in the Financial Glossary.