1. The tendency for investors with similar strategies to invest in securities and companies that meet a certain set of criteria, especially in terms of financing. For example, investors looking for companies with low amounts of debt will flock toward companies that do not use much leverage. If a company changes its financing or debt policy then most people belonging to this category of investors are likely to sell their stake.
2. A theory suggested to explain stock price movement resulting from investor reactions to changes in a company's policies. For example, if a company adopted a high-paying dividend payout ratio, then investors preferring to receive higher dividends will purchase more of the company's shares, thereby increasing the company's stock price. The clientele effect assumes investors are partial to a company's policies and that changes will result in the purchase or sale of the underlying company's stock based upon the investor's preferences.
Related information about clientele effect:
- Clientele Effect Definition | Investopedia
The clientele effect assumes that investors are attracted to different company policies, and that when a company's policy changes, investors will adjust their stock ...
- Clientele effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The clientele effect is the idea that the set of investors attracted to a particular kind of security will affect the price of the security when policies or circumstances ...
- What is clientele effect? definition and meaning
Definition of clientele effect: The tendency for investors with similar strategies to invest in securities and companies that meet a certain set of criteria, especially in ...
- Clientele Effect - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
Describes the tendency of funds or investments to be followed by groups of investors who have similar preferences for a firm which follows a particular financing ...
- Clientele effect: Definition from Answers.com
Clientele Effect The theory that a company's stock price will move according to the demands and goals of investors in reaction to a tax, dividend.
- Marginal Stockholder Tax Rates and the Clientele Effect
Marginal Stockholder Tax Rates and the Clientele Effect. Edwin J. Elton; Martin J. Gruber. The Review of Economics and Statistics, Volume 52, Issue 1 (Feb., ...
- clientele effect - Invest Definition
clientele effect definition: The tendency of different securities to attract different types of investors, depending on the dividend policy of the issuer. For example ...
- Clientele Effect - Definition of Clientele Effect - QFINANCE
Definition of clientele effect from QFinance - The Ultimate Financial Resource. What is clientele effect? Definitions and meanings of clientele effect.