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cumulative claim rate

The number of insured mortgage loans in a particular class (and issued in the same year) that result in claims over a specified time period expressed as a percentage of the total number of insured mortgages in that class. This claim rate increases during periods when foreclosure rates are high. The cumulative claim rate may be assessed on a national basis or for a particular housing market (e.g. Atlanta, GA).

Related information about cumulative claim rate:
  1. What is cumulative claim rate? definition and meaning
    Definition of cumulative claim rate: The number of insured mortgage loans in a ... The cumulative claim rate may be assessed on a national basis or for a ...
  2. Calculated Risk: Default Statistics, Or Mortgage Math Is Hard
    Aug 16, 2008 ... So the CDR is now a little under 4% (1 out of 28), and the cumulative claim rate is a little over 3% (1 out of 30). Interpreting the numbers from a ...
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    recent budget forecasts a 19.63 percent cumulative claim rate for loans that are subject to this Notice. We map the time trend of claim rates over the thirty year life ...
  4. Appraisals, Automated Valuation Models, and Mortgage Default
    Mean. Sigma. Dependent. Cumulative delinquent rate. 12.47%. 12.34%. 16.40%. Cumulative claim rate. 4.90%. 4.56%. 9.64%. Cumulative prepay rate. 75.97% ...
  5. Analyzing Recent Experience on FHA Investor Loans
    distribution is obtained by letting a be the observed cumulative claim rate of the mortgages satisfying the proxy definition of investor loan and b = 1-a.
  6. Prospective Role of Mortgage Insurance in Support of Housing F
    Cumulative claim rate: Over the life of an insured loan portfolio or insured mortgage pool, the total number of claims as a percent of the total number of insured ...
  7. Mortgage Default Insurance in the U.S.: Implications ... - Urban Institute
    Cumulative claim rate: Over the life of an insured loan portfolio or book of insured mortgage loans, the total number of claims as a percentage of the total number ...
  8. Moving the market forward: Principles for returning FHA to its ...
    Nov 6, 2012... scenario these will experience an average cumulative claim rate of 8.5 per 100 loans or about 1 in 12 loans. But averages can be deceiving.