Exchange Currency

descending triangle

A triangle chart pattern used in technical analysis, where the top level continues to decrease over time, but the bottom stays relatively flat as a support level. When the security's price breaks through the support level, it is an indicator that it is a good time to sell or take a short position, because the security is likely to continue to decrease. opposite of ascending triangle.

Related information about descending triangle:
  1. Descending Triangle (Continuation) - ChartSchool -
    The descending triangle is a bearish formation that usually forms during a downtrend as a continuation pattern. There are instances when descending triangles ...
  2. Descending Triangle Definition | Investopedia
    A bearish chart pattern used in technical analysis that is created by drawing one trendline that connects a series of lower highs and a second trendline that has ...
  3. Bulkowski's Descending Triangles
    Click descending triangle to read about the Elliott wave version. Important Results. Identification Guidelines. Trading Tips. Example. Other Examples. See Also ...
  4. Trading Stocks Education - Chart Patterns: Descending Triangle
    Descending Triangle is a decline to a new low on news followed by a kick back rally to an intermediate resistance level, a second decline to test the recent low ...
  5. Chart Examples of Descending Triangle Patterns
    This descending triangle is an interesting one. First of all, it's in the very beginning of a downtrend. Second, it's preceded by three other bearish signals; ...
  6. Descending Triangle -
    Descending Triangle and descending triangle patterns, downtrend stock continuation pattern.
  7. Descending Triangle Chart Pattern
    With descending triangles, trend lines converge with a horizontal trend line...
  8. Descending Triangle
    Reverse all that we wrote about the Ascending Triangle Pattern and you have the Descending Triangle Pattern. This means, that the Descending Triangle ...