Exchange Currency


Having the effect of reducing earnings per share.

Related information about dilutive:
  1. dilutive - definition of dilutive by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    tr.v. di·lut·ed, di·lut·ing, di·lutes. 1. To make thinner or less concentrated by adding a liquid such as water. 2. To lessen the force, strength, purity, or brilliance of, ...
  2. Dilutive Acquisition Definition | Investopedia
    A takeover transaction that will decrease the acquirer's earnings per share (EPS) if additional shares are issued to pay for the acquisition. Dilutive acquisitions ...
  3. What is dilutive stock?
    Jan 17, 2006 ... Dilutive stock is any security that dilutes the ownership percentage of current shareholders - that is, any security that does not have some sort ...
  4. What is dilutive? definition and meaning
    Definition of dilutive: Having the effect of reducing earnings per share.
  5. Dilutive security - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Dilutive security are financial instruments like stock options, warrants, convertible bonds, etc. which increases the number of Common stock, if exercised.
  6. Accretion/dilution analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Generally, shareholders do not prefer dilutive transactions; however, if the deal may generate enough value to become accretive in a reasonable time, ...
  7. Earnings dilutive
    Dilutive acquisitions clearly need justifying. There are a number of reasons why a company may be right to make a dilutive acquisition: An acquisition may boost ...
  8. Accretive and Dilutive Mergers |
    If you intend to work in M&A, you'd better know this basic information about how mergers work.