Exchange Currency

double witching hour

The final hour of the stock market trading session on the third Friday of all months other than March, June, September, and December, when stock option and index option contracts expire.

Related information about double witching hour:
  1. What is double witching hour? -
    Definition of double witching hour: The final hour of the stock market trading session on the third Friday of all months other than March, June, September, and ...
  2. What is double witching hour? -
    Definition of double witching hour: Final hour of the trading day (called double witching day) on a stock exchange when two related classes of options or futures ...
  3. Double Witching Hour Definition - What is ... - Investor Glossary
    What is Double Witching Hour? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Double Witching Hour.
  4. double witching hour - Invest Definition
    double witching hour definition: The simultaneous expiration of stock option and index option contracts, which may create market volatility. Occurs on the third ...
  5. Triple Witching Hour/Day (Quadruple Witching Hour ... - The Big Apple
    Dec 16, 2008 ... It was what Wall Street called the “double witching hour” between 3 and ... The double witching hour, when index options and futures contracts ...
  6. Market Place; 'Witching Hour' Next Street Focus - New York Times
    Oct 18, 1989 ... Because the contracts expiring this week are less important, some on the Street call it a ''double-witching hour.'' Based on trading patterns over ...
  7. Frights of Finance: The Top 5 Spookiest Financial Terms
    Oct 26, 2012 ... These are referred to as the double witching hour and the triple witching hour, respectively. The triple witching hour is much more rare than the ...
  8. Double-witching hour approaches for Cliffs Communities; suitors ...
    Jan 9, 2012 ... Cliffs Communities facing foreclosure, bankruptcy, offers from other developers.