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economic entity assumption

An accounting principle that establishes a clear delineation between any economic entity and its stakeholders for the purpose of maintaining separate transaction records.

Related information about economic entity assumption:
  1. Economic entity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The "Economic Entity Assumption" says that the activities of the entity are to be kept separate from the activities of its owner and all other economic entities.
  2. economic entity assumption definition |
    An accounting principle/guideline that allows the accountant to keep the sole proprietor's business transactions separate.
  3. What is economic entity assumption? -
    Definition of economic entity assumption: Based on GAAP, an entity must be different from the financial interests of the company's owners.
  4. What is economic entity assumption
    Economic entity assumption is an assumption under the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles that separates the stakeholders from the business itself.
  5. Economic entity assumption - Simple Studies
    Economic entity assumption states that businesses must keep their transactions separate from transactions of their owners, business units or other ...
  6. What is economic entity assumption? -
    Definition of economic entity assumption: An accounting principle that establishes a clear delineation between any economic entity and its stakeholders for the ...
  7. Economic Entity Principle - AccountingTools
    ... entity principle is also known as the business entity assumption, business entity principle, entity assumption, entity principle, and economic entity assumption.
  8. Accounting assumptions, principles and constraints 2-4 flashcards ...
    Economic entity assumption. an assumption that requires that ...