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exogenous growth

Economic growth that occurs without being the result of deliberate policy or behavior. The term arises because neoclassical growth models converge to a steady state in which per capita income is constant over time. Growth, then, requires exogenous technical progress.

Related information about exogenous growth:
  1. Neoclassical growth model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The neoclassical growth model, also known as the Solow–Swan growth model or exogenous growth model, is a class of economic models of long-run economic ...
  2. Endogenous growth theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    They favored a model that replaced the exogenous growth variable ... in equation of transitional Dynamics of Solow-Swan model (Exogenous growth model) ...
  3. Exogenous Growth Definition | Investopedia
    The belief that economic growth arises due to influences outside the economy or company of interest. Exogenous growth assumes that economic prosperity is ...
  4. What is exogenous growth? definition and meaning
    Definition of exogenous growth: Economic growth that occurs without being the result of deliberate policy or behavior. The term arises because neoclassical ...
  5. Exogenous Growth ModelStephen Kinsella | Stephen Kinsella
    In the last few lectures, we've looked at growth theory and the stakes involved in getting the basics wrong. We saw the Solow model's predictions about ...
  6. What Is Exogenous Growth?
    Brief and Straightforward Guide: What Is Exogenous Growth?
  7. Convergence behaviour in exogenous growth models
    Downloadable! This paper analyzes several aspects of convergence behaviour in the Solow growth model. In empirical work, a popular approach is to ...
  8. Theme issue on endogenous vs. exogenous growth - SpringerLink
    Theme Issue On Endogenous vs. Exogenous Growth. Guest Editors' Introduction. Suppose income per capita in a nation is growing at an average rate of 2 ...