Exchange Currency

expected value

Average value of the possible payoffs of an investment decision, taking into account the likelihood of each payoff. An investor should buy a stock when its market price is significantly lower than its expected value; the greater this difference, higher the returns. Similarly, a firm should buy back its stock when it is trading below the expected value and so transfer wealth from the short-term stockholders to the long-term stockholders. Expected value is the best prediction of a variable's value, and is computed by multiplying each outcome by the probability of its occurrence and then averaging them. Mathematically it is described as the probability-weighted average values of all possible outcomes, and is a measure of central tendency of a random variable. also called mathematical expectation.

Related information about expected value:
  1. Expected value - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In probability theory, the expected value (or expectation, mathematical expectation, EV, mean, or the first moment) of a random variable is the weighted average ...
  2. Expected Value: E(X) | Statistics | Khan Academy
    Expected value of a random variable. ... So the expected value of our random variable is going; to be each outcome. So the first outcome is that we had 0 heads ...
  3. Expected Value and Variance
    we shall discuss two such descriptive quantities: the expected value and the variance. ... absolutely, then we say that X does not have an expected value. 2 ...
  4. Expected Value (EV) & Poker Explained
    Learn how to calculate expected value (EV) - Explanation and examples of expected value, poker probabilities and how to calculate them.
  5. What Is the Expected Value
    The expected value can really be thought of as the mean of a random variable. This means that if you ran a probability experiment over and over, keeping track ...
  6. Expected Value
    Expected value is one of the fundamental concepts in probability, in a sense more general than probability itself. The expected value of a real-valued random ...
  7. Expectation Value -- from Wolfram MathWorld
    Papoulis, A. "Expected Value; Dispersion; Moments." §5-4 in Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, pp.
  8. Expected Value - YouTube
    May 5, 2009 ... In this video, I show the formula of expected value, and compute the expected value of a game. The final answer represents the net transaction ...