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extraordinary item

A non-recurring event that materially affected a company's finances in a reporting period. Must be explained in the annual report or quarterly report.

Related information about extraordinary item:
  1. Extraordinary Item Definition | Investopedia
    Gains or losses included in a company's financial statements, which are infrequent and unusual in nature. These are usually explained further in the " notes to ...
  2. Extraordinary Item - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    An unusual and unexpected one-time event that must be explained to shareholders in an annual or quarterly report, e.g., write down for a discontinued operation ...
  3. Extraordinary Item Definition & Example | InvestingAnswers
    We explain the definition of Extraordinary Item, provide a clear example of how it works and explain why it's an important concept in business, finance ...
  4. What is extraordinary item? definition and meaning
    Definition of extraordinary item: Accounting entry which reflects materially-large cost (such as that incurred for plant shutdown) or materially-large revenue (such ...
  5. Extraordinary Item: Definition from
    One that is both unusual in nature and infrequent in occurrence. Extraordinary gains and losses are presented net of tax separately in the income statement.
  6. Extraordinary Item Definition - What is Extraordinary Item?
    What is Extraordinary Item? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Extraordinary Item.
  7. Extraordinary Item -
    These are income statement items that are unusual in nature and infrequent in occurrence. Examples include a loss from an earthquake.
  8. What is an extraordinary item? | Q&A
    An extraordinary item can be a gain or a loss, but it must have all of the following characteristics: 1. unusual in nature, and 2. infrequent in.