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geometric mean

A measure of central tendency calculated by multiplying a series of numbers and taking the nth root of the product, where n is the number of items in the series. The geometric mean is often used when finding an average for numbers presented as percentages.

Related information about geometric mean:
  1. Geometric mean - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In mathematics, the geometric mean is a type of mean or average, which indicates the central tendency or typical value of a set of numbers. A geometric mean is ...
  2. Geometric Mean -- from Wolfram MathWorld
    Geometric Mean. DOWNLOAD Mathematica Notebook EXPLORE THIS TOPIC IN the MathWorld Classroom. The geometric mean of a sequence {a_i}_(i=1)^n ...
  3. Geometric Mean Definition | Investopedia
    The average of a set of products, the calculation of which is commonly used to determine the performance results of an investment or portfolio. Technically ...
  4. Geometry: Geometric Mean
    When a positive value is repeated in either the means or extremes position of a proportion, that value is referred to as a geometric mean (or mean proportional ) ...
  5. Question Corner -- Applications of the Geometric Mean
    In the same way, the geometric mean is relevant any time several quantities multiply together to produce a product. The geometric mean answers the question, ...
  6. How to Calculate Geometric Mean
    Practical information on how to calculate 'Geometric Means', including its use for shellfish bed and swimming beach classifications and closures.
  7. Similar Right Triangles formed by an Altitude. The Geometric Mean ...
    Similar right triangles formed by dropping an altitude--explained using an interactive applet, a you tube video and many step by step example problems.
  8. Geometric Mean and Arithmetic Mean
    geometric mean or means and arithmetic mean how to calculate arithmetic mean center frequency bandwidth calculation average of numbers center frequency ...