Exchange Currency

inefficient market

A condition in which the Efficient Market Theory does not apply because a security, sector, or market becomes undervalued or overvalued due to the failure of investors to recognize its true value.

Related information about inefficient market:
  1. Inefficient Market Definition | Investopedia
    A theory which asserts that the market prices of common stocks and similar securities are not always accurately priced and tend to deviate from the true ...
  2. Inefficient Market - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A market where prices do not always reflect available information as accurately as possible. Inefficient markets may result from a lag in information transferring to ...
  3. The Perfectly Inefficient Market - Logistic Research & Trading Co
    It is therefore easy to appreciate what is an inefficient market. It is one in which price changes are not entirely due to the arrival of new information. A market is ...
  4. Efficient-market hypothesis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In finance, the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that financial markets are "informationally efficient". In consequence of this, one cannot consistently ...
  5. Inefficient Market Definition - What is Inefficient Market?
    What is Inefficient Market? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Inefficient Market.
  6. The Inefficient Market Reality
    Sep 20, 2006 ... The Motley Fool - The less attention a company gets, the more likely its price is inefficient.
  7. What is inefficient market? definition and meaning
    Definition of inefficient market: A condition in which the Efficient Market Theory does not apply because a security, sector, or market becomes undervalued or ...
  8. The Inefficiency of the Efficient Market Theory
    The tendency toward irrational exuberance describes the real world's inefficient market. The only rational conclusion is to dismiss EMT as an unrealistic belief ...