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A business activity with significant labor costs, such as heavy industry.

Related information about labor-intensive:
  1. Labor Intensive Definition | Investopedia
    A process or industry that requires a large amount of labor to produce its goods or services. The degree of labor intensity is typically measured in proportion to ...
  2. Labor-intensive - Merriam-Webster Online
    la·bor–in·ten·sive. adjective \ˈlā-bər-in-ˌten(t)-siv\. Definition of LABOR- INTENSIVE. : having high labor costs per unit of output; especially : requiring greater ...
  3. Labor intensity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Labor intensity is the relative proportion of labor (compared to capital) used in a process. Its inverse is capital intensity. Stub icon, This economics-related article ...
  4. Labor-intensive | Define Labor-intensive at
    requiring or using a large supply of labor, relative to capital. Relevant Questions. What Is Labor Intensive ... How Is Grape Growing Lab... What Is Labor Intensive ...
  5. What is labor intensive? definition and meaning
    Definition of labor intensive: Industry or process where a larger portion of total costs is due to labor as compared with the portion for costs incurred in purchase, ...
  6. Labor Intensive - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Describing an industry or sector in which it is difficult to produce a good or service without a large amount of labor. Labor intensive industries require either a ...
  7. labor-intensive - The Free Dictionary
    la·bor-in·ten·sive (l b r- n-t n s v). adj. Requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital: "Intrigue and subversion are labor-intensive ...
  8. labor-intensive: Definition from
    labor-intensive adj. Requiring or having a large expenditure of labor in comparison to capital: 'Intrigue and subversion are labor-intensive undertakings'