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Lady Macbeth Strategy

A strategy used in corporate mergers and acquisitions where a seemingly unrelated third party poses as a white knight in order to gain trust from the target company. After gaining trust (and possibly information that the target company is unwilling to share with the hostile acquirer), the third party turns around and joins the bidders. This term comes from the fictional Shakespearean character, Lady MacBeth. In that play, she was characterized as being overly cunning and ambitious.

Related information about Lady Macbeth Strategy:
  1. Lady Macbeth Strategy Definition | Investopedia
    A corporate-takeover strategy with which a third party poses as a white knight to gain trust, but then turns around and joins with unfriendly bidders.
  2. Lady Macbeth Strategy - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Strategy in which a third party poses as a white knight in a takeover bid, and then joins forces with an unfriendly bidder. Lady Macbeth Strategy. In a hostile ...
  3. Lady Macbeth strategy - The Free Dictionary
    (Business / Commerce) Informal a strategy in a takeover battle in which a third party makes a bid acceptable to the target company, appearing to act as a white ...
  4. What is Lady Macbeth Strategy? definition and meaning
    Definition of Lady Macbeth Strategy: A strategy used in corporate mergers and acquisitions where a seemingly unrelated third party poses as a white knight in ...
  5. Lady macbeth strategy - -
    Lady Macbeth strategy. —n. informal a strategy in a takeover battle in which a third party makes a bid acceptable to the target company, appearing to act as a ...
  6. Lady Macbeth Strategy Definition -
    Lady Macbeth Strategy: read the definition of Lady Macbeth Strategy and 8000+ other financial and investing terms in the Financial Glossary.
  7. Lady Macbeth Strategy: Definition from
    Takeover tactic whereby a third party poses as a white knight then turns coat and joins an unfriendly bidder.
  8. Lady Macbeth Strategy - QFinance
    Definition of Lady Macbeth strategy from QFinance - The Ultimate Financial Resource. What is Lady Macbeth strategy? Definitions and meanings of Lady ...