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law of demand

If supply is held constant, an increase in demand leads to an increased market price, while a decrease in demand leads to a decreased market price.

Related information about law of demand:
  1. Law of demand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In economics, the law of demand is an economic law, which states that consumers buy more of a good when its price is lower and less when its price is higher ...
  2. Law Of Demand Definition | Investopedia
    A microeconomic law that states that, all other factors being equal, as the price of a good or service increases, consumer demand for the good or service will ...
  3. Economics Basics: Supply and Demand | Investopedia
    Investopedia explains: The Law of Demand, The Law of Supply, Supply and Demand Relationship, Equilibrium, Disequilibrium, and Shifts vs. Movement.
  4. Law of Demand | Microeconomics | Khan Academy
    Example of the law of demand. ... Formatting tips. Cancel or. @Leticia & @ Lucas - but this does not goes against the Law of Demand. 1 Vote. • Comment • Flag ...
  5. Law of Demand -
    The law of demand states that when prices of goods and services rises the quantity demanded falls because first of all, it drives away all those good bargain ...
  6. Demand: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of ...
    The law of demand states that when the price of a good rises, the amount demanded falls, ... Some of the modern evidence supporting the law of demand is from ...
  7. What is Law of Demand? definition with examples? - Yahoo! Answers
    The law of demand states that there is a direct relationship between the price of a good and the demand for it. In particular, people generally buy ...
  8. Law of Demand - US Economy -
    The law of demand states that the more something costs, the less people will buy all ... Find out how the law of demand has worked and how it hasn't in the U.S. ...