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lease commencement date

The date at which the terms of the lease are implemented.

Related information about lease commencement date:
  1. What is lease commencement date? definition and meaning
    Definition of lease commencement date: The date at which the terms of the lease are implemented.
  2. Common Lease Terms
    Lease Commencement Date – The date on which beneficial occupancy commences and the legal terms of the lease go into effect. Leasehold Improvements ...
  3. Commercial Real Estate Investment: lease commencement date ...
    Sep 19, 2010 ... certified mail, word basis, luck jim: Robert- The move-in date and commencement date could be the same day, however, they could just as ...
  4. Lease Commencement Date - What does LCD stand for? Acronyms ...
    Acronym, Definition. LCD, Liquid Crystal Display (display technology). LCD, Least Common Denominator. LCD, Lowest Common Denominator. LCD, Local ...
  5. LCD - Lease Commencement Date
    Acronym Finder: LCD stands for Lease Commencement Date. This definition appears very rarely.
  6. Phoenix_648415_1.DOC - ODOT FTP
    (g) Lease Term: The Lease Term commences on the Lease Commencement Date and continues until the Expiration Date, unless sooner terminated as provided ...
  7. Summary of Lease Terms: - Transit Realty Associates
    The period between the Lease Commencement Date and the Rent. Commencement ... A twelve-month period beginning on the Lease Commencement Date.
  8. Completion Tenant Improvements Lease Commencement Date
    Jun 12, 2008 ... LEASE COMMENCEMENT DATE. 5.1 Ready for Occupancy. The Premises shall be deemed ready for occupancy by Tenant upon the ...