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Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average

One of many averages calculated by Lipper Analytical Services. This average estimates how well mutual funds performed collectively. Many active mutual fund managers try to beat this benchmark, as well as the market in general. Lipper calculates performance on a quarterly and annual basis, as well as on a categorical basis. For example, it may rank aggressive-growth funds separate from passively-managed index funds.

Related information about Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average:
  1. What is Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average? definition and meaning
    Definition of Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average: One of many averages calculated by Lipper Analytical Services. This average estimates how well mutual ...
  2. Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average financial definition of Lipper ...
    The average level of performance for all mutual funds, as reported by Lipper Analytical Services. Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average. A series of indices that ...
  3. Lipper average - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "Lipper Indexes", Investopedia. ^ "Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average", Financial Dictionary. ^ "Mutual funds", Encyclopedia of Business and Finance, e- Notes.
  4. Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average: Definition from
    average performance level of all mutual fund s, as reported by Lipper Analytical Services of New York.
  5. lipper mutual fund industry average Definition | Business ...
    lipper mutual fund industry average. average performance level of all mutual funds, as reported by Lipper Analytical Services of New York. The performance of ...
  6. Glossary: Insight & Education: Individual Investors: BlackRock
    L. Leverage; Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average; Liquidity Risk; Load-Adjusted Return ..... Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average. The Average level of ...
  7. J.P. Morgan Funds - Glossary of terms visitors use or see when ...
    Lipper ratings - The Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average is the performance level of all mutual funds, as reported by Lipper Analytical Services of New York.
  8. J.P. Morgan Asset Management - Global Liquidity: Glossary of ...
    Lipper ratings - The Lipper Mutual Fund Industry Average is the performance level of all mutual funds, as reported by Lipper Analytical Services of New York.