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load-adjusted return

The return on a mutual fund adjusted downward to reflect any sales fees, whether front-end or back-end.

Related information about load-adjusted return:
  1. Load Adjusted Return
    Load Adjusted Return - Definition for Load Adjusted Returnfrom Morningstar - For this statistic, total returns are adjusted downward to account for sales charges ...
  2. Load-Adjusted Return Definition | Investopedia
    A load-adjusted return is how much of a return an investor actually sees, after investment fees charged to buy and sell shares of mutual funds are subtracted ...
  3. What is load-adjusted return? definition and meaning
    Definition of load-adjusted return: The return on a mutual fund adjusted downward to reflect any sales fees, whether front-end or back-end.
  4. What is Load-adjusted Return? - Investor Glossary
    What is Load-adjusted Return? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Load-adjusted Return.
  5. Load-Adjusted Return - Investing and Money Glossary, terms and ...
    Investing and Money Glossary, terms and definitions. Load-Adjusted Return. Calculated monthly, these total returns are adjusted downward to account for sales ...
  6. Morningstar Performance Measures: Computation
    Morningstar's load-adjusted return is the load-adjusted counterpart to the Morningstar ... msLARi = the Morningstar load-adjusted return for fund i over T periods ...
  7. Fund returns: calendar-year totals - MSN Money
    Get fund returns with calendar-year totals and trailing total returns. Also find average load-adjusted return and growth percentages.
  8. Morningstar Ratings and Mutual Fund Performance
    (Expense and Load Adjusted Return on the Fund − T-Bill ). (1). Higher of ( Average ... The load-adjusted return is then the (return of the fund)*L. Note that the ...