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long-term lease

A lease of ten years or more.

Related information about long-term lease:
  1. What is a Long-Term Lease?
    A long-term lease is a rental agreement that is ten years or longer. There are pros and cons to signing a long-term lease, since...
  2. Long Term Lease - 99 Year Lease Explained
    A 99-year lease is simply a long-term lease, and the way it works depends on the terms of the particular lease. Lease terms vary depending on whether a lease ...
  3. What is long-term lease? definition and meaning
    Definition of long-term lease: A lease of ten years or more.
  4. What is long term lease? definition and meaning
    Definition of long term lease: In general, a lease of 10 years or more.
  5. Long-Term Lease: Definition from
    Generally, a commercial lease of five years or longer, or a residential lease longer than one year. Previous: Long-Term.
  6. Lease - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Leaving a long-term lease before its expiration could result in penalties, or even the cost of the entire agreed period (if the landlord is unable to find a suitable ...
  7. Long-Term Lease - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A lease for longer than one, five or 10 years, depending on the specific asset being leased. For example, commercial property usually has long-term leases for ...
  8. The Differences Between a Long-Term & Short-Term Lease for a ...
    The landlord then offered a long-term lease with higher rent to a new tenant. ... One of the most important benefits of signing a long-term lease is the chance to ...