Exchange Currency


The amount of cash in circulation. This includes all coins and printed money.

Related information about M0:
  1. M0 Definition | Investopedia
    A measure of the money supply which combines any liquid or cash assets held within a central bank and the amount of physical currency circulating in the ...
  2. M0 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    M0 or M-0 may be: M0 motorway (Hungary), a road bypassing Budapest; Megyeri Bridge (formerly known as Northern M0 Danube bridge), a bridge crossing the ...
  3. M0 motorway (Hungary) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The M0 motorway is a ringroad around Budapest, the capital of Hungary. The ring presently connects motorways M1, M7, M6, M5, M4, M3, M2, connecting ...
  4. Money supply - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The "M"s usually range from M0 (narrowest) to M3 (broadest) but which "M"s are ... M0: In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, M0 includes bank ...
  5. M0, M1, M2, M3, M4 Definition from Financial Times Lexicon
    Different measures of money supply. Not all of them are widely used and the exact classifications depend on the country. M0 and M1, also called narrow money, ...
  6. Cortex-M0 Processor - ARM
    smallest, lowest power, most energy-efficient ARM processor.
  7. M0 (monetary base)
    M0 is also known as the monetary base. This term refers to the fact that the money measured by M0 supplies the base on which other forms of money (such as ...
  8. Bank of England | Statistics | Explanatory Notes - M0
    M0 was the Bank's main narrow money measure. When the Bank introduced Money Market Reform in May 2006, the Bank ceased publication of M0 and instead ...