Exchange Currency

minor unit

A currency designation within the International Standards Organization codes. The minor unit is defined by its relation to the major unit, which is the standard unit of currency for a country. The value of the minor unit is typically 1/100 or 1/1000 of the major unit.

Related information about minor unit:
  1. What is minor unit? definition and meaning
    Definition of minor unit: A currency designation within the International ... The minor unit is defined by its relation to the major unit, which is the standard unit of ...
  2. ISO 4217 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In others, the major currency unit has so little value that the minor unit is no longer generally used (e.g. the Japanese sen, 1/100th of a yen). This is indicated in ...
  3. Unit Requirements - Minor in Psychology - Psychology Department ...
    Psychology Research Laboratories · Fall 2012 Major - Unit Requirements · Fall 2009 Major - Unit Requirements · Psychology Minor - Unit Requirements ...
  4. Remove minor unit options for those amounts with decimals 0 ...
    Issue Summary. I think this is a common requirement, when you've got prices like $5,300.00 most people don't want that trailing .00 thing, ...
  5. Remove minor unit for those currencies with 0 decimals |
    But, are you sure that thoses currencies doesn't use the minor unit anymore ? It could make sense to, at least, keep the name information for the ...
  6. Do minor currency units have a ISO standard? - Stack Overflow
    In others, the major currency unit has so little value that the minor unit is no longer generally used (e.g. the Japanese sen, 1/100th of a yen).
  7. Intro to Excel Spreadsheets
    Major and minor unit refer to how the gridlines are displayed ... option in the chart wizard), then the minor unit value will not affect the chart appearance. Colors ...
  8. Sectopods are a little overkill I think (very minor unit spoiler) - Giant ...
    Oct 15, 2012 ... Squadsight snipers in archangel armor + HEAT heavies.