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mutual company

A company whose profits are distributed in proportion to the amount of business each participant does with the company. Examples include federal savings and loan associations, state-chartered mutual savings banks, and mutual insurance companies.

Related information about mutual company:
  1. Mutual organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The primary form of financial business set up as a mutual company in the United States has been mutual insurance. Some insurance companies are set up as ...
  2. Mutual insurance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    [edit] Bermuda. Oil Insurance Limited; Oil Casualty Insurance, Ltd. [edit] Denmark. Tryg (owned 60 % by the mutual company Tryghedsgruppen). [edit] Canada ...
  3. Mutual Company Definition | Investopedia
    A private company whose ownership base is made of its clients or policyholders. The defining feature of a mutual company is since its customers are also its ...
  4. Mutual Company Advantages | Northwestern Mutual
    As a mutual company, Northwestern Mutual provides four key values to its policyholders.
  5. Mutual company - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A corporation in which members are the exclusive shareholders and the recipients of profits distributed as dividends in proportion to the business that such ...
  6. Mutual Company
    The mutual company form of organization was once common in several sectors of the financial industry, but is less common today.
  7. What is mutual company? -
    Definition of mutual company: Firm (such as a mutual insurance company) established for the benefit of its shareholders who are called members, and receive ...
  8. What is mutual company? definition and meaning -
    Definition of mutual company: A company whose profits are distributed in proportion to the amount of business each participant does with the company.