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neutral hedge

A hedge that combines positions in various investments to create a risk-free return on the money invested, regardless of the movement of the underlying securities.

Related information about neutral hedge:
  1. Neutral Hedge - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Hedge that is expected to yield a dollar-neutral result of the combined position, regardless of price change in any part of the hedge securities. For any ...
  2. What is neutral hedge? definition and meaning
    Definition of neutral hedge: A hedge that combines positions in various investments to create a risk-free return on the money invested, regardless of the ...
  3. Market Neutral Definition | Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy
    Market-neutral hedge funds typically employ a number of different investment strategies (e.g. long and shorts) that individual hedge funds may specialize in.
  4. What Is Delta Neutral Trading? by
    On 14 May, when Microsoft was trading at $31, John determined that a resistance level has been reached and wanted to perform a delta neutral hedge against a ...
  5. IndexIQ Launches 'Neutral' Hedge Fund ETF
    Oct 4, 2012 ... IndexIQ serves up its latest hedge fund replication ETF, this one a market-neutral fund.
  6. IndexIQ Launches 'Neutral' Hedge Fund ETF - Yahoo! Finance
    Oct 4, 2012 ... From Yahoo! Finance: IndexIQ serves up its latest hedge fund replication ETF, this one a market-neutral fund.IndexIQ, the Rye Brook, New ...
  7. Market-Neutral Hedge Funds
    Market-Neutral Hedge Funds. ... HedgeCo defines market-neutral hedge fund strategies as: An approach that aims to preserve capital through any of several ...
  8. Are “Market Neutral” Hedge Funds Really Market Neutral?
    Are “Market Neutral” Hedge Funds Really. Market Neutral? Andrew J. Patton. University of Oxford. Using a variety of different definitions of “neutrality,” this study ...