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nouna failure to do something which should be done by law

Related information about non-feasance:
  1. Legal Definition of Non Feasance
    NON FEASANCE. The non-performance of some act which ought to be performed. When a legislative act requires a person to do a thing, its non feasance will ...
  2. Non feasance - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    NON FEASANCE, torts, contracts. The non-performance of some act which ought to be performed. 2. When a legislative act requires a person to do a thing, ...
  3. Non-feasance - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The commission of an act that is unequivocally illegal or completely wrongful. Malfeasance is a comprehensive term used in both civil and Criminal Law to ...
  4. Non-feasance - The Free Dictionary
    Non-feasance. Also found in: Medical, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia, 0.01 sec. Non-fea´sance. n. 1. (Law) An omission or neglect to do something, ...
  5. Nonfeasance - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    The intentional failure to perform a required duty or obligation. Nonfeasance is a term used in Tort Law to describe inaction that allows or results in harm to a ...
  6. Misfeasance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The expressions misfeasance and nonfeasance, and occasionally malfeasance, are used in ... Nonfeasance is to ignore and take no indicated action - neglect.
  7. Non-feasance Synonyms, Non-feasance Antonyms |
    Synonyms for non-feasance at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
  8. non-feasance -
    non-feasance - Traducción de la palabra en su acepción legal de inglés a español con discusiones del foro.