Exchange Currency

notice of dishonor

A document issues by a notary public at the request of a note holder who has been refused payment of the note by its maker. The notice of dishonor is legal evidence that the note is unpaid.

Related information about notice of dishonor:
  1. Notice of dishonor - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    NOTICE OF DISHONOR. The notice given by the holder of a bill of exchange or promissory note, to a drawer or endorser on the same, that it has been ...
  2. Notice Of Dishonor Definition | Investopedia
    A formal notice stating that the bank that a check or draft is presented to will not honor the instrument. A notice of dishonor may be given to the holder or ...
  3. Legal Definition of Notice Of Dishonor
    The Legal Term * Notice Of Dishonor * Defined & Explained.
  4. Notice of Dishonor: Definition from
    Notice of Dishonor Declaration signed by a notary public that a check, draft, or bill of exchange has been presented for collection and the drawee bank.
  5. What is NOTICE OF DISHONOR? - The Law Dictionary
    Definition of NOTICE OF DISHONOR: When a negotiable bill or note is dishonored by nonacceptance onpresentment for acceptance, or by non- payment at its ...
  6. Lawriter - ORC - 1303.63 Notice of dishonor - UCC 3-503.
    (A) The obligation of an indorser set forth in division (A) of section 1303.55 of the Revised Code and the obligation of a drawer set forth in division (D) of section ...
  7. What is notice of dishonor? definition and meaning
    Definition of notice of dishonor: Notary public's signed declaration that a valid check or bill of exchange has been dishonored by non-acceptance or ...
  8. U.C.C. - ARTICLE 3 -§3-504.
    EXCUSED PRESENTMENT AND NOTICE OF DISHONOR. (a) Presentment for payment or acceptance of an instrument is excused if (i) the person entitled to ...