The amount by which a country's output, or GDP, falls short of what it could be given its available resources. A positive output gap is considered to exist when a country's unemployment rate is greater than the NAIRU.
Related information about output gap:
- Output gap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The GDP gap or the output gap is the difference between actual GDP or actual output and potential GDP. The calculation for the output gap is Y–Y* where Y is ...
- Output Gap Definition | Investopedia
An economic measure of the difference between the actual output of an economy and the output it could achieve when it is most efficient, or at full capacity.
- Inflation: The global output gap | The Economist
Sep 19, 2012 ... THE image at right is a graphic taken from Bloomberg's markets page, which shows four indexes of commodity prices. There are obviously a lot ...
- What is output gap? definition and meaning
Definition of output gap: The difference between the actual output (such as GDP) of an economy and the output that the economy would be at under full capacity ...
- The Output Gap Trap For Policymakers - Seeking Alpha
Sep 6, 2012 ... The output gap, which tells if the level of gross domestic product (GDP) is running significantly under the potential GDP, is an important ...
- The Output Gap -
Jan 19, 2011 ... The Output Gap. Menzie Chinn has a useful post reminding us just how much output we could and should have been producing is being lost to ...
- Farr: Analyzing the Output Gap - CNBC
Oct 31, 2012 ... This difference arises because the economy is operating at less than full employment and factories are not being fully utilized.
- Why it doesn't feel like a recovery | The Washington Post
This is the output gap, the divide between the amount the United States can produce and what it is actually producing. The gap, currently $900 billion, explains ...