Exchange Currency

residual security

Security that could potentially dilute earnings per common share, such as preferred stock, convertible stock, warrants, and rights.

Related information about residual security:
  1. Residual Security Definition | Investopedia
    A residual security, which is converted or exercised, results in more shares being issued, causing dilution. Corporations may offer residual securities to attract ...
  2. What is residual security? definition and meaning
    Definition of residual security: Security that could potentially dilute earnings per common share, such as preferred stock, convertible stock, warrants, and rights.
  3. Residual Security - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A security that has the potential to dilute its issuer's earnings per share. For example, a convertible bond can be exchange for so many shares of common stock.
  4. Residual Security: Definition from
    1. Security that has a potentially dilutive effect on earnings per common share. Warrants, rights, convertible bonds, and preferred stock are potentially.
  5. What Is a Residual Security?
    A residual security is any type of any type of security that might be converted into common stock of the issuing company at some point in the future by the ...
  6. residual security - Business Definition
    residual security definition: A security with the potential for diluting earnings per share. A convertible bond is a residual security because conversion of the bond ...
  7. Residual security - Merriam-Webster Online
    common stock or a security convertible into common stock. This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but the definition from our premium ...
  8. Residual Security Definition - What is a Residual Security - Residual ...
    Residual Security - Residual Security is both an interesting and, very effective tool used by many investors and, businessmen in the business industry for diluting ...