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step-up lease

A lease providing for specified rent increases at certain future dates. opposite of step-down lease.

Related information about step-up lease:
  1. Step-Up Lease Definition | Investopedia
    A step-up lease is a lease agreement which stipulates that the rental rate will increase by predetermined amounts at various points in the future. Through the rent ...
  2. What is step-up lease? definition and meaning
    Definition of step-up lease: A lease providing for specified rent increases at certain future dates. opposite of step-down lease.
  3. step-up lease - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    A long-term lease on a property where the rent is changed periodically to reflect the market value of the property. This is used in real estate. For example ...
  4. step-up lease
    A type of lease providing for specified rent increases at certain future dates. Opposite of step-down lease.
  5. Step-Up Lease: Definition from
    Step-Up Lease A step-up lease is a lease agreement which stipulates that the rental rate will increase by predetermined amounts at various points in the.
  6. define step-up lease - Bing DICTIONARY
    SEARCH HISTORY. See all · Clear all · Turn off. DICTIONARY. step-up lease. Definition. step-up lease. step-up leas·es, Plural. NOUN. 1. lease with increasing ...
  7. Equipment Lease Types |
    A step-up lease is ideal for businesses that require specific equipment pieces to increase revenue. Another name for this lease type is the "low-high lease." ...
  8. graduated lease | Real Estate Definition |
    Real Estate Definition: graduated lease - (also called graded lease or step-up lease) a commercial lease in which the lease payments rise accordin .. more ...