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underfunded pension plan

A pension plan whose liabilities exceed its assets.

Related information about underfunded pension plan:
  1. Underfunded Pension Plan Definition | Investopedia
    A company retirement plan that has more liabilities than assets. In other words, the money needed to cover current and future retirements is not readily available.
  2. The Investing Risk Of Underfunded Pension Plans
    Dec 4, 2011 ... Determine the risk to a company's EPS and financial condition resulting from an underfunded pension plan.
  3. What is an Underfunded Pension Plan?
    An underfunded pension plan is a company pension plan that contains enough money to cover current pensions and those that will...
  4. Underfunded Pension Plan - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Definition of Underfunded Pension Plan in the Financial Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Underfunded Pension Plan?
  5. What is underfunded pension plan? definition and meaning
    Definition of underfunded pension plan: A pension plan whose liabilities exceed its assets.
  6. Is your pension safe? - retirement planning - MSN Money
    Jul 27, 2012 ... According to the printed material I received from my underfunded pension plan which is in critical condition, I wouldn't receive all of my earned ...
  7. What is UNDERFUNDED PENSION PLAN? - The Law Dictionary
    Definition of UNDERFUNDED PENSION PLAN: A pension plan with uncovered liabilities. Refer to funded pension plan.
  8. Underfunded Pension Plan Definition - What is Underfunded ...
    What is Underfunded Pension Plan? Find out right now with a helpful definition and links related to Underfunded Pension Plan.