Exchange Currency

visible supply

The amount of a good that is currently stored in warehouses or other accessible locations. The visible supply is the amount of the good which could be immediately accessed and used, if necessary.

Related information about visible supply:
  1. Visible Supply Definition | Investopedia
    The visible supply is the amount of goods or commodities that are available to be bought or sold. This supply is important as it identifies a definite quantity of ...
  2. Visible Supply - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Wikipedia encyclopedia ? Visible Supply. 0.01 sec. Visible supply. New muni bond issues scheduled to come to market within the next 30 days. Visible Supply ...
  3. Visible Supply: Definition from
    dollar volume of municipal bonds scheduled to be issued over the coming month. Municipal bond investors, analysts, traders, and investment bankers watch.
  4. Bloomberg Municipal 30 Day Visible Supply Volume Total Analysis ...
    Analysis & trends for Bloomberg Municipal 30 Day Visible Supply Volume Total ( SPLYTOT) including current rate, chart, profile, news and other data.
  5. What is visible supply? definition and meaning
    Definition of visible supply: The amount of a good that is currently stored in ... The visible supply is the amount of the good which could be immediately accessed ...
  6. Visible supply - Merriam-Webster Online
    the total of what is known to be available (as of stocks of grain in elevators and on the way to market). This word doesn't usually appear in our free dictionary, but ...
  7. visible supply - Invest Definition
    visible supply definition: New security issues, primarily bonds, scheduled for sale during the next month....
  8. Thirty-day visible supply Definition -
    Thirty-day visible supply: read the definition of Thirty-day visible supply and 8000 + other financial and investing terms in the Financial Glossary.