Exchange Currency


The exchange rate as of today for ANG/PKR is ANG per PKR, which means that with 100 Netherlands Antilles guilders you can buy Pakistan rupees.

Below you will find information about historical currency exchange rates for ANG/PKR currency pair represented in a history table and an exchange chart. Also, bellow you can read summary information about ANG or PKR currencies.

ANG to PKR exchange rate history

Date Exchange Rate Variation
increased 65,0286000000 +3,0454
increased 61,9832000000 +0,2342
increased 61,7490000000 +2,5411
increased 59,2079000000 +0,0731
increased 59,1348000000 +0,0786
decreased 59,0562000000 -0,0168
not_changed 59,0730000000 0
not_changed 59,0730000000 0
not_changed 59,0730000000 0
decreased 59,0730000000 -0,1517
not_changed 59,2247000000 0
increased 59,2247000000 +0,1798
decreased 59,0449000000 -0,0562
increased 59,1011000000 +0,0562
decreased 59,0449000000 -0,0562
not_changed 59,1011000000 0
increased 59,1011000000 +0,167
decreased 58,9341000000 -0,2232
increased 59,1573000000 +0,1124
not_changed 59,0449000000 0
increased 59,0449000000 +0,2247
decreased 58,8202000000 -0,3877
increased 59,2079000000 +0,191
not_changed 59,0169000000 0
not_changed 59,0169000000 0
decreased 59,0169000000 -0,028
increased 59,0449000000 +0,0267
decreased 59,0182000000 -0,4225
decreased 59,4407000000 -0,0226
increased 59,4633000000 +0,0735
increased 59,3898000000 +0,2056
increased 59,1842000000 +0,2221
increased 58,9621000000 +0,0934
not_changed 58,8687000000 0
not_changed 58,8687000000 0
not_changed 58,8687000000 0
increased 58,8687000000 +0,1536
not_changed 58,7151000000 0
not_changed 58,7151000000 0
decreased 58,7151000000 -0,0698
decreased 58,7849000000 -0,0838
not_changed 58,8687000000 0
not_changed 58,8687000000 0
not_changed 58,8687000000 0
increased 58,8687000000 +0,014
not_changed 58,8547000000 0
decreased 58,8547000000 -0,014
not_changed 58,8687000000 0
not_changed 58,8687000000 0
increased 58,8687000000 +0,095
decreased 58,7737000000 -0,095
not_changed 58,8687000000 0
decreased 58,8687000000 -0,014
increased 58,8827000000 +0,0112
increased 58,8715000000 +0,014
increased 58,8575000000 +0,0055
not_changed 58,8520000000 0
increased 58,8520000000 +0,0112
not_changed 58,8408000000 0
increased 58,8408000000 +0,0652
decreased 58,7756000000 -0,0652
decreased 58,8408000000 -0,2933
not_changed 59,1341000000 0
not_changed 59,1341000000 0
increased 59,1341000000 +0,5615
not_changed 58,5726000000 0
not_changed 58,5726000000 0
not_changed 58,5726000000 0
not_changed 58,5726000000 0
increased 58,5726000000 +0,0056
increased 58,5670000000 +0,0614
decreased 58,5056000000 -0,0614
increased 58,5670000000 +0,0055
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
increased 58,5615000000 +0,0056
increased 58,5559000000 +0,0112
not_changed 58,5447000000 0
not_changed 58,5447000000 0
decreased 58,5447000000 -0,0056
increased 58,5503000000 +0,0112
increased 58,5391000000 +0,0168
increased 58,5223000000 +0,0307
decreased 58,4916000000 -0,0699
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
decreased 58,5615000000 -0,0111
not_changed 58,5726000000 0
not_changed 58,5726000000 0
increased 58,5726000000 +0,0056
increased 58,5670000000 +0,0055
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
decreased 58,5615000000 -0,0055
not_changed 58,5670000000 0
increased 58,5670000000 +0,0474
decreased 58,5196000000 -0,0446
not_changed 58,5642000000 0
not_changed 58,5642000000 0
not_changed 58,5642000000 0
increased 58,5642000000 +0,0027
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
decreased 58,5615000000 -0,0055
increased 58,5670000000 +0,0111
decreased 58,5559000000 -0,0056
increased 58,5615000000 +0,0084
not_changed 58,5531000000 0
decreased 58,5531000000 -0,0084
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
increased 58,5615000000 +0,0168
not_changed 58,5447000000 0
not_changed 58,5447000000 0
decreased 58,5447000000 -0,0028
increased 58,5475000000 +0,014
decreased 58,5335000000 -0,0112
increased 58,5447000000 +0,0056
not_changed 58,5391000000 0
decreased 58,5391000000 -0,0112
decreased 58,5503000000 -0,0112
increased 58,5615000000 +0,014
not_changed 58,5475000000 0
decreased 58,5475000000 -0,0084
decreased 58,5559000000 -0,0056
increased 58,5615000000 +0,0056
decreased 58,5559000000 -0,0195
not_changed 58,5754000000 0
increased 58,5754000000 +0,0251
decreased 58,5503000000 -0,0251
increased 58,5754000000 +0,0419
decreased 58,5335000000 -0,014
decreased 58,5475000000 -0,0028
increased 58,5503000000 +0,0056
increased 58,5447000000 +0,0335
not_changed 58,5112000000 0
not_changed 58,5112000000 0
decreased 58,5112000000 -0,0642
increased 58,5754000000 +0,0139
increased 58,5615000000 +0,0028
not_changed 58,5587000000 0
increased 58,5587000000 +0,0056
increased 58,5531000000 +0,0084
decreased 58,5447000000 -0,0028
increased 58,5475000000 +0,0698
increased 58,4777000000 +0,0224
decreased 58,4553000000 -0,0894
decreased 58,5447000000 -0,0168
decreased 58,5615000000 -0,6193
increased 59,1808000000 +0,0283
increased 59,1525000000 +0,0565
decreased 59,0960000000 -0,0565
increased 59,1525000000 +0,0282
decreased 59,1243000000 -0,0565
increased 59,1808000000 +0,0961
decreased 59,0847000000 -0,0113
not_changed 59,0960000000 0
decreased 59,0960000000 -0,0848
increased 59,1808000000 +0,1582
decreased 59,0226000000 -0,0169
increased 59,0395000000 +0,1694
decreased 58,8701000000 -0,0847
not_changed 58,9548000000 0
decreased 58,9548000000 -0,226
increased 59,1808000000 +0,017
increased 59,1638000000 +0,0508
increased 59,1130000000 +0,017
not_changed 59,0960000000 0
increased 59,0960000000 +0,0565
not_changed 59,0395000000 0
not_changed 59,0395000000 0
decreased 59,0395000000 -0,1978
increased 59,2373000000 +0,0848
decreased 59,1525000000 -0,0565
not_changed 59,2090000000 0
increased 59,2090000000 +0,0226
increased 59,1864000000 +0,0904
not_changed 59,0960000000 0
increased 59,0960000000 +0,5597
decreased 58,5363000000 -0,014
increased 58,5503000000 +0,028
increased 58,5223000000 +0,0335
increased 58,4888000000 +0,0894
increased 58,3994000000 +0,0866
decreased 58,3128000000 -0,2319
decreased 58,5447000000 -0,0168
not_changed 58,5615000000 0
increased 58,5615000000 +0,0392
increased 58,5223000000 +0,0111
decreased 58,5112000000 -0,0111
increased 58,5223000000 +0,0558
not_changed 58,4665000000 0
decreased 58,4665000000 -0,0223
decreased 58,4888000000 -0,0056
increased 58,4944000000 +0,0279
decreased 58,4665000000 -0,067
decreased 58,5335000000 -0,0112
not_changed 58,5447000000 0
not_changed 58,5447000000 0
increased 58,5447000000 +0,0335
increased 58,5112000000 +0,0028
increased 58,5084000000 +0,0084
increased 58,5000000000 +0,0168
increased 58,4832000000 +0,0055
increased 58,4777000000 +0,0056
decreased 58,4721000000 -0,0335
increased 58,5056000000 +0,0056
increased 58,5000000000 +0,0335
decreased 58,4665000000 -0,0056
not_changed 58,4721000000 0
not_changed 58,4721000000 0
decreased 58,4721000000 -0,0167
decreased 58,4888000000 -0,0056
decreased 58,4944000000 -0,0168
decreased 58,5112000000 -0,0056
increased 58,5168000000 +0,0866
decreased 58,4302000000 -0,0083
increased 58,4385000000 +0,0167
decreased 58,4218000000 -0,1061
increased 58,5279000000 +0,0056
increased 58,5223000000 +0,0307
decreased 58,4916000000 -0,014
increased 58,5056000000 +0,0279
not_changed 58,4777000000 0
increased 58,4777000000 +0,1704
increased 58,3073000000 +0,081
decreased 58,2263000000 -0,3128
decreased 58,5391000000 -0,067
decreased 58,6061000000 -0,0112
not_changed 58,6173000000 0
not_changed 58,6173000000 0
increased 58,6173000000 +0,1061
decreased 58,5112000000 -0,0167
not_changed 58,5279000000 0
not_changed 58,5279000000 0
not_changed 58,5279000000 0
decreased 58,5279000000 -0,0475
increased 58,5754000000 +0,3547
increased 58,2207000000 +0,2905
decreased 57,9302000000 -1
increased 58,9302000000 +0,0056
not_changed 58,9246000000 0
not_changed 58,9246000000 0
increased 58,9246000000 +0,0056
not_changed 58,9190000000 0
decreased 58,9190000000 -0,0056
increased 58,9246000000 +0,0279
increased 58,8967000000 +0,0168
decreased 58,8799000000 -0,0447
increased 58,9246000000 +0,0112
increased 58,9134000000 +0,5475
increased 58,3659000000 +0,0447
not_changed 58,3212000000 0
decreased 58,3212000000 -0,0447
increased 58,3659000000 +0,0167
increased 58,3492000000 +0,0391
increased 58,3101000000 +0,0112
increased 58,2989000000 +0,0056
increased 58,2933000000 +0,0056
decreased 58,2877000000 -0,0279
increased 58,3156000000 +0,0726
increased 58,2430000000 +0,1955
not_changed 58,0475000000 0
decreased 58,0475000000 -0,067
increased 58,1145000000 +1,1285
not_changed 56,9860000000 0
increased 56,9860000000 +0,0447
increased 56,9413000000 +0,0055
increased 56,9358000000 +0,0447
not_changed 56,8911000000 0
increased 56,8911000000 +0,028
increased 56,8631000000 +0,0167
decreased 56,8464000000 -0,0335
decreased 56,8799000000 -0,0056
increased 56,8855000000 +0,0056
increased 56,8799000000 +0,0643
decreased 56,8156000000 -0,0252
decreased 56,8408000000 -0,0112
increased 56,8520000000 +0,0112
not_changed 56,8408000000 0
not_changed 56,8408000000 0
decreased 56,8408000000 -0,0223
decreased 56,8631000000 -0,0559
not_changed 56,9190000000 0
increased 56,9190000000 +0,0307
decreased 56,8883000000 -0,0307
decreased 56,9190000000 -0,0391
not_changed 56,9581000000 0
not_changed 56,9581000000 0
Please note that ANG to PKR currency exchange rate historical information is renewed every 3 hours. Last update was at . To view last currency exchange rate updates, visit currency rates page.

Netherlands Antilles guilder to Pakistan rupee exchange chart

Note: The Netherlands Antilles guilder to Pakistan rupee chart allow you to see for free currency exchange rate graph history for the ANG/PKR currency pair. Currently, the currency chart shows historical exchange rates for Netherlands Antilles guilder per 1 Pakistan rupee pair for a period of 1045 days.


The guilder is presently the currency of two of the five islands which until 2010 formed the Netherlands Antilles. The ISO 4217 code (currency abbreviation) for the Netherlands Antillean guilder is ANG (is derived from ANtilleaanse Gulden). It is subdivided into 100 cents. The guilder was replaced by the US dollar on 1 January 2011 on the other former islands of the Netherlands Antilles: Bonaire, Saba and Saint Eustatius. On Curaçao and Sint Maarten, the Netherlands Antillean guilder will be replaced by the newly created Caribbean guilder on 1 January 2012.


The Pakistani rupee is the official currency of Pakistan. The issuance of the currency is controlled by the State Bank of Pakistan, the central bank of the country.