Check and increase your knowledge in the financial and monetary area, by studying the material proposed by us. Most likely, the materials presented here will not cover all aspects of monetary and financial field, but we will try to provide at least basic knowledge of this area.
Online financial tests On our website is created a special page where you will find a set of free financial tests with which you measure your knowledge in finance and everything related to this area.
CertificationBe proud of your knowledge and skills with obtaining a special certificate offered free by us. Just shows that you have the knowledge required to receive necessary certificate to you.
Currency rates Study and analyze current exchange rates. Also you will find the list of last updates of currency rates, with which you will be able to study the evolution of of the necessary currency.
List of currencies Learn and study the history of currency, banknote images and other useful information about the national currencies of the world.
Central Banks Discover the list of central banks from around the world, where you will find interesting information and various useful links that will help you quickly find needed information.