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1. A contract sold by an insurance company designed to provide payments to the holder at specified intervals, usually after retirement. The holder is taxed only when they start taking distributions or if they withdraw funds from the account. All annuities are tax-deferred, meaning that the earnings from investments in these accounts grow tax-deferred until withdrawal. Annuity earnings are also tax-deferred so they cannot be withdrawn without penalty until a certain specified age. Fixed annuities guarantee a certain payment amount, while variable annuities do not, but do have the potential for greater returns. Both are relatively safe, low-yielding investments. An annuity has a death benefit equivalent to the higher of the current value of the annuity or the amount the buyer has paid into it. If the owner dies during the accumulation phase, his or her heirs will receive the accumulated amount in the annuity. This money is subject to ordinary income taxes in addition to estate taxes. 2. More generally, a series of payments of set size and frequency, often to a retired person.

Related information about annuity:
  1. Annuity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. An Annuity is any continuing payment with a fixed total annual amount. Annuity may refer to: ...
  2. Annuity (US financial products) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In the United States an annuity contract is created when an insured party, usually an individual, pays a life insurance company a single premium that will later be ...
  3. Annuity Definition | Investopedia
    A financial product sold by financial institutions that is designed to accept and grow funds from an individual and then, upon annuitization, pay out a stream of ...
  4. Annuities
    Apr 6, 2011 ... An annuity is a contract between you and an insurance company that is designed to meet retirement and other long-range goals, under which ...
  5. TSP: Annuity Calculator
    The Annuity Calculator can help you estimate how much your monthly annuity payments would be if you have the TSP purchase an annuity for you when you ...
  6. Annuity FYI — Compare Variable Annuities & Fixed Annuity Rates ...
    Compare all types of variable and fixed annuities from top-rated companies. Objective information. Experts' top annuity selections. Your complete fixed and ...
  7. Annuity Rates: Annuity Quote: Annuities 4.7%-12.9% Annual Payout ...
    2012 Rates, Quotes, Reviews: best hybrid / index annuities, best fixed annuity, best variable annuity, best immediate annuity, best Pre-Issued Annuities ™.
  8. Immediate Annuities - Income Annuity Quote Calculator.
    Immediate income annuity quotes calculated instantly. Find highest paying immediate annuities.