Exchange Currency


Annual Percentage Yield. The rate of return on an investment for a one-year period. For an interest-bearing deposit account, such as a savings account, APY is equal to one plus the periodic rate (expressed as a decimal) raised to the number of periods in one year. Due to compounding, the APY will be greater than the periodic interest rate multiplied by the number of periods in the year.

Related information about APY:
  1. Annual percentage yield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Annual percentage yield (APY) (also called Effective Annual Rate (EAR) in finance) is a normalized representation of an interest rate, based on a compounding ...
  2. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) Definition | Investopedia
    The effective annual rate of return taking into account the effect of compounding interest. APY is calculated by: The resultant percentage number assumes that ...
  3. APR and APY: Why Your Bank Hopes You Can't Tell The Difference
    Feb 7, 2010 ... Banks use these rates to entice borrowers and investors. Find out what you're really getting.
  4. APY - Definition and Calculations
    Annual percentage yield (APY) tells you how much you're earning at the bank. Learn what it's all about and how to calculate it. When your money compounds, ...
  5. APY Interest Calculator | Bank of Internet USA
    Calculate your APY using simple APY interest calculator. Find out how your interest adds up on our certificate of deposits and online savings accounts.
  6. APY Calculator, Compound Interest, Interest Calculator Tool
    Calculate your APY or compound interest using our easy to use apy calculator, interest calculator.
  7. Compound Interest and APY Calculations
    Learn How to Calculate Compounding Interest, and APY Rates. For Calculators, see my Compound Interest Calculators Page. In order to calculate how much ...
  8. APY vs. APR
    Oct 19, 2005 ... The Motley Fool - Learn which one matters when you're borrowing money.