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A space defined by two dimensions: length and width. Multiplying length by width yields the area of a lot or floor. For example, a room that measures ten feet by ten feet has an area of 100 square feet (10 times 10 = 100.)

Related information about area:
  1. Area - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Area is a quantity that expresses the extent of a two-dimensional surface or shape, or planar lamina, in the plane. Area can be understood as the amount of ...
  2. Area of Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram ...
    Area of Plane Shapes. Learn more about Area, or try the Area Calculator. ... Example: What is the area of this rectangle? Area Count. The formula is: Area = w × ...
  3. Area Formulas
    (pi = pi = 3.141592...) Area Formulas. Note: "ab" means "a" multiplied by "b". "a2" means "a squared", which is the same as "a" times "a". Be careful!! Units count.
  4. Area and Perimeter
    Click on a shape to learn more. Click on a shape to find out how to calculate the perimeter, then have a go yourself. The perimeter is the total distance around ...
  5. Area :: Homepage
    AREA is an Autodesk online community for 2D and 3D artists -- with free tutorials and downloads, movie and image galleries, professional industry artist ...
  6. Area Code Listing, by Number
    The cities listed with each area code are the major cities for that ...
  7. Interactivate: Area
    This lesson is designed to examine the mathematical concept of area within fixed perimeters. These activities and discussions may be used to develop students' ...
  8. Online Conversion - Area Conversion
    Convert between different area measurements. ... Area Conversion. You do not have JavaScript enabled. The conversions on this site require the use of ...