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breakeven tax rate

A tax rate that is not beneficial or harmful in a business. A higher tax rate is not profitable and a lower tax rate would make the transaction profitable. A breakeven tax rate allows people to examine the transaction rather than tax incentives.

Related information about breakeven tax rate:
  1. Breakeven Tax Rate Definition | Investopedia
    A rate of tax above which it is unprofitable to engage in a transaction. After the tax is paid, there would not be enough profit or financial benefit for the parties ...
  2. What is breakeven tax rate? definition and meaning
    Definition of breakeven tax rate: A tax rate that is not beneficial or harmful in a business. A higher tax rate is not profitable and a lower tax rate would make the ...
  3. Breakeven rate - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Breakeven Point · Breakeven Points · Breakeven Points · Breakeven Points. Breakeven rate. Breakeven Sales · Breakeven Tax Rate · Breakeven Tax Rates ...
  4. Breakeven Time - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Breakeven Points · Breakeven Points · Breakeven Points · Breakeven rate · Breakeven Sales · Breakeven Tax Rate · Breakeven Tax Rates. Breakeven Time ...
  5. Roth Conversion and Estate Planning - Academy of Financial Services
    concept of breakeven tax rate, defined as the tax rate at the time of ... on conversion, the breakeven tax rate is lower than the investor's tax rate at the time of ...
  6. Are There Tax Arbitrage Opportunities in Private Rental Housing ...
    Mar 1, 2001 ... The measure of tax arbitrage opportunities is the breakeven tax rate at which the maximum rental rate a potential occupant is prepared to pay ...
  7. Working Paper 179
    The breakeven tax rate (t*) at which the individual is indifferent (on financial grounds) between renting and owning is obtained by setting UCR=UCO and solving ...
  8. Resource Base: Academic Plan: Plans & Initiatives: Academic Affairs
    ... and the Chancellor's Reallocation Fund; Implement the flat tax on a hold- harmless basis and at the lowest breakeven tax rate possible for the support centers ...