Exchange Currency

cashless conversion

A direct conversion of one ownership type to another of an underlying asset without the investor having to put out initial cash. Many conversions are automatically started on specific dates based on the original contract and may impact an entire class of contracts or shares. Some types of cashless conversions include preferred shares to common shares, stock options to common stock, and warrants to stock. There is no initial outlay of cash necessary by investors as many transactions will be immediately profitable for the investor. Cost that may be involved will often be paid from the conversion's proceeds.

Related information about cashless conversion:
  1. Cashless Conversion Definition | Investopedia
    The direct conversion of ownership (from one ownership type to another) of an underlying asset without any initial cash outlay from the investor. Many cashless ...
  2. What is cashless conversion? definition and meaning
    Definition of cashless conversion: A direct conversion of one ownership type to another of an underlying asset without the investor having to put out initial cash.
  3. Cashless Conversion Operations
    Cashless Conversion Operations. Purchase/Sale of foreign currencies against Russian Rubles or any other foreign currency upon Customer request ...
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  5. Cashless conversion - Raiffeisen BANK Bosna i Hercegovina
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  6. Cashless Conversion On The Horizon - Canadian Vending & Office ...
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  7. Employee stock options | Ken Muir | Macquarie Private Wealth
    Employee stock options. Overview; Cashless exercise; Cashless conversion. Overview. I specialize in assisting employees of public companies with all aspects ...
  8. Pepi Food Services Commits To 100 Percent Cashless Vending By ...
    Apr 19, 2012 ... "We are thrilled to support Pepi Food Services in this accelerated, 100 percent cashless conversion plan," said Stephen P. Herbert, chairman ...