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clone fund

A mutual fund designed to match the performance of an existing successful fund by imitating its strategy.

Related information about clone fund:
  1. Clone Fund Definition | Investopedia
    A clone fund may be set up by a mutual fund company when the original fund has grown too big to be managed efficiently, or if the company wishes to introduce ...
  2. Clone Fund
    Clone Fund - Definition for Clone Fund from Morningstar - A clone fund is generally a fund that tries to mimic the performance and/or the objectives of a ...
  3. Clone Fund - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Clone fund. A new fund set up in a fund family to emulate another successful fund . Clone Fund. A mutual fund that is actively-managed in theory, but, in practice, ...
  4. What is clone fund? definition and meaning
    Definition of clone fund: A mutual fund designed to match the performance of an existing successful fund by imitating its strategy.
  5. What is CLONE FUND? - The Law Dictionary
    Definition of CLONE FUND: Mutual fund generated to act like another mutual fund that has grown too big to take additional positions in the market for smaller ...
  6. What is a Clone Fund?
    The clone fund is an investing strategy that involves duplicating the structure and performance of a similar index or fund. In most cases, this replication activity is ...
  7. Clone Fund: Definition from
    in a family of funds, new fund set up to emulate a successful existing fund. Previous: Clob , Clearing House Funds Next:
  8. Barbarian Capital: Is Whitney Tilson Running an Alpha-clone Fund?
    Feb 11, 2010 ... This month I am cross-posting here and on The Davian Letter. This post was subsequently featured on World Beta/Mebane Faber and ...