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contingent deferred sales charge

A back-end load charged only in certain circumstances.

Related information about contingent deferred sales charge:
  1. Contingent Deferred Sales Charge - CDSC Definition | Investopedia
    A fee (sales charge or load) that mutual fund investors pay when selling Class-B fund shares within a specified number of years of the date on which they were ...
  2. Contingent Deferred Sales Charge financial definition of Contingent ...
    The formal name for the load of a back-end load fund. Contingent Deferred Sales Charge. The formal name for the load in a back-end load fund. A CDSC is the ...
  3. Contingent deferred sales charge - The Free Dictionary
    (Economics, Accounting & Finance / Accounting & Book-keeping) (of money, costs, etc.) required or incurred after a project has been completed. [from the ...
  4. Contingent Deferred Sales Charges
    Mutual fund B shares do not require front-end sales charges, but carry contingent deferred sales charges (CDSC) and have a higher 12b-1 fee (a 1% 12b-1 fee ...
  5. What is contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC)? definition and ...
    Definition of contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC): Penalty (or back end load ) levied by a mutual fund for premature redemption of units or shares.
  6. American Funds - Contingent deferred sales charges
    On this page: What is the contingent deferred sales charge (CDSC)? Can the CDSC on my Class B, 529-B, C and 529-C shares be waived?
  7. How to Pay a Contingent Deferred Sales Charge |
    How to Pay a Contingent Deferred Sales Charge. A contingent deferred sales charge, also known as a back-end load fee, is a charge that you pay when you sell ...
  8. What is contingent deferred sales charge? definition and meaning
    Definition of contingent deferred sales charge: A back-end load charged only in certain circumstances.