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cost estimate

An approximate value of the total cost of a service, product, resource, or project, used for planning, sales quotes, or resource allocation. Cost estimates are generally prepared as accurately as possible, to prevent misallocation of resources or negative perceptions from clients, managers, or potential customers.

Related information about cost estimate:
  1. Cost estimate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A cost estimate is the approximation of the cost of a program, project, or operation . The cost estimate is the product of the cost estimating process. The cost ...
  2. What is cost estimate? definition and meaning
    Definition of cost estimate: An approximation of the probable cost of a product, program, or project, computed on the basis of available information. Four common ...
  3. Project Management for Construction: Cost Estimation
    A cost estimate establishes the base line of the project cost at different stages of ... A cost estimate at a given stage of project development represents a ...
  4. Cost Estimating Simplified - Libris Design
    A cost estimate can be an important management tool to library planners during ... The cost estimate is prepared by breaking down the items of work using a ...
  5. Component Cost Estimate (CCE) [ACQuipedia]
    Primary Functional Area : Business. Definition [Suggest Change]. The generic term "DoD Component Cost Estimate" is used to provide considerable latitude to ...
  6. GAO-09-3SP GAO Cost Estimating and Assessment Guide: Best ...
    For the purposes of this guide, a cost estimate is the summation of individual ... today.2 The management of a cost estimate involves continually updating the ...
  7. Cost Estimate Process - Review Base Estimate
    Completed base cost estimate (including backup calculations). Completed estimate basis and assumptions. Technique and Tools. Internal Reviews. • In- house/ ...
  8. Independent Cost Estimate - Federal Transit Administration - U.S. ...
    Our independent cost estimate was based on historical usage of this contract. The estimate was determined to be $200,000. However, our using Department has ...