Exchange Currency

counter currency

The second currency in a currency pair. In a currency exchange, the exchange rate is quoted as the units of the counter currency in terms of a single unit of a base currency. For example, in a currency exchange of Japanese Yen for British pounds, the Yen is the counter currency. also called quote currency or terms currency.

Related information about counter currency:
  1. Counter Currency Definition | Investopedia
    The currency used as the reference or second currency in a currency pair. When viewing an ISO currency code the counter currency is listed after the base ...
  2. Currency pair - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The currency that is used as the reference is called the counter currency or quote currency and the currency that is quoted in relation is called the base currency ...
  3. What is counter currency? definition and meaning
    Definition of counter currency: The second currency in a currency pair. In a currency exchange, the exchange rate is quoted as the units of the counter currency ...
  4. The Value of Currencies, Base and Counter Currency
    One currency in a currency pair is always dominant,
  5. How to Identify Base and Counter Currencies - For Dummies
    The second currency in the pair is called the counter currency, or the secondary currency. Most important for you as an FX trader, the counter currency is the ...
  6. Counter Currency Definition - What is Counter Currency in Currency ...
    The definition for Counter Currency: What is Counter Currency along with other Currency and Forex Trading terms and definitions. Find the meaning of Counter ...
  7. currency pair
    The second currency in the pair (US Dollar) is the counter currency. The price of EURUSD tells traders how many units of the counter currency are needed to ...
  8. Money Counter, Currency Counter, Coin Sorter, Coin Counter ...
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