Exchange Currency

currency conversion

The process of converting one form of currency into another country's usable currency. Based on current exchange rates, a person may receive less or more value after the currency is converted. This can be determined by looking at the current exchange rate for the country's currency.

Related information about currency conversion:
  1. XE - Universal Currency Converter
    Calculate live currency and foreign exchange rates with this free currency converter. You can convert currencies and precious metals with this currency ...
  2. Currency Converter | OANDA
    ... for their travel exchange rate needs. For on-the-spot currency conversion during your travels, print off a custom reference card for every destination currency.
  3. Currency Converter - Yahoo! Finance
    Silver Bullions: National Leader-Low Prices-Bars-Bags-Eagles-Free Advice-Free Shipping. · Local Currency Exchange: Go To ...
  4. Currency Converter - Yahoo! Finance
    Currency Converter from Yahoo! Finance. Find the latest currency exchange rates and convert all major world currencies with our currency converter.
  5. Currency Converter Calculator and Foreign Money Exchange Rates ...
    The Go Currency Converter has been the default exchange rate feed for 100's of sites on the web for the last 10 years. We've powered the currency calculator for ...
  6. Currency Exchange Rate Conversion Calculator
    Please choose your currency conversion: From: Australian Dollar (AUD), Canadian Dollar (CAD), Chinese Yuan (CNY), Euro (EUR), Hong Kong Dollar ( HKD) ...
  7. Foreign Exchange Rates and Currency Exchange Rate Calculator ...
    View foreign exchange rates and use our currency exchange rate calculator for more than 30 foreign currencies.
  8. Exchange Rates - X-Rates
    Free foreign exchange rates and tools including a currency conversion calculator , historical rates and graphs, and a monthly exchange rate average.