Exchange Currency


The amount of a particular economic good or service that a consumer or group of consumers will want to purchase at a given price. The demand curve is usually downward sloping, since consumers will want to buy more as price decreases. Demand for a good or service is determined by many different factors other than price, such as the price of substitute goods and complementary goods. In extreme cases, demand may be completely unrelated to price, or nearly infinite at a given price. Along with supply, demand is one of the two key determinants of the market price.

Related information about demand:
  1. Demand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    In economics, demand is an economic principle that describes a consumer's desire and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service. Demand refers ...
  2. Demand - Merriam-Webster Online
    a : an act of demanding or asking especially with authority <a demand for obedience>. b : something claimed as due <a list of demands>. 2. archaic : question. 3 ...
  3. Demand Definition | Investopedia
    An economic principle that describes a consumer's desire and willingness to pay a price for a specific good or service. Holding all other factors constant, the ...
  4. Demand | Define Demand at
    to ask for with proper authority; claim as a right: He demanded payment of the debt. 2. to ask for peremptorily or urgently: He demanded sanctuary.
  5. Demand Media | Content For Real Life
    At Demand Media, we live up to our name by first listening to what our more than one hundred million monthly visitors want and then delivering the content and ...
  6. What is demand? definition and meaning
    Definition of demand: The amount of a particular economic good or service that a consumer or group of consumers will want to purchase at a given price.
  7. demand - definition of demand by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    v. de·mand·ed, de·mand·ing, de·mands. 1. To ask for urgently or peremptorily: demand an investigation into the murder; demanding that he leave ...
  8. Demand: The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics | Library of ...
    One of the most important building blocks of economic analysis is the concept of demand. When economists refer to demand, they usually have in mind not just a ...