Exchange Currency


A person or company that places money in a bank account.

Related information about depositor:
  1. depositor - definition of depositor by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    v. de·pos·it·ed, de·pos·it·ing, de·pos·its. 1. To put or set down; place. 2. To lay down or leave behind by a natural process: layers of sediment that were ...
  2. Depositor - Legal Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    DEPOSITOR, contracts. He who makes a deposit. 2. He is generally entitled to receive the deposit from the depositary, but to this rule there are exceptions; as.
  3. What is depositor? definition and meaning
    Definition of depositor: A person or company that places money in a bank account.
  4. Deposit account - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    For example, a depositor opening a checking account at a bank in the United States with $100 in cash surrenders legal title to the $100 in cash, which becomes ...
  5. Use depositor in a sentence | depositor sentence examples
    Example sentences with the word depositor. depositor example ...
  6. The Consequences of National Depositor Preference - FDIC
    Congress believed that national depositor ... Studies suggest that even though national depositor ... and national depositor preference on the cost savings to ...
  7. MONO Equipment's Omega Confectionery Depositor - Join the ...
    May 14, 2009 ... MONO Equipment is the longest established manufacturer of confectionery depositors in the world with a wealth of experience in this sector.
  8. depositor - Dictionary of English
    ▷noun. 1 a sum of money placed in a bank or other account. 2 a sum payable as a first instalment or as a pledge. □ a returnable sum paid to cover possible ...