Exchange Currency

depressed price

Situation where a financial instrument is priced low due to depressed markets. Oftentimes, this may mean that the financial instrument is undervalued. It may also mean that one specific financial instrument is priced lower than similar instruments in the same asset category with the same perceived or actual risks.

Related information about depressed price:
  1. Depressed Price - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    In the context of stocks, stock whose market price is low in comparison to stocks in its sector. Depressed Price. A price for a stock that is lower than other stocks in ...
  2. What is depressed price? definition and meaning
    Definition of depressed price: Situation where a financial instrument is priced low due to depressed markets. Oftentimes, this may mean that the financial ...
  3. What is depressed market? definition and meaning
    depreciation exp... depreciation ins... depreciation rec... depreciation tax... depress · depressed price · depression · depth of market · depth ... depressed price ...
  4. Depressed Price: Definition from
    price of a product, service, or security that is weak because of a depressed market. Also refers to the market price of a stock that is low relative to.
  5. This Could Be The Last Time - The Silver Bear Cafe
    Mr. Butler is suggesting that this might be your last chance to acquire silver at such a depressed price. You may find that a 10% - 15% commission is tacked on ...
  6. Issue 376 - The Drought Part 2 - Prices Depressed Before the Spike
    Aug 7, 2012 ... Farmers are selling cattle early at a depressed price (20 to 30% lower in some areas) and reducing the size of their herds to lower their ...
  7. Selling A Home In A Depressed Market | The Real Estate Briefings
    Jun 14, 2011 ... Selling is difficult, but if you are only selling in order to buy a better home at a depressed price, then think of the trade off. You may lose ...
  8. Take Advantage of Jos. A Banks' Depressed Price - Seeking Alpha
    Sep 5, 2006 ... Investopedia Advisor submits: Jos. A. Bank Clothiers (JOSB) sells tailored and casual clothing aimed at the male professional. The stock sold ...