Exchange Currency

Economic Order Quantity

EOQ. The amount of orders that minimizes total variable costs required to order and hold inventory.

Related information about Economic Order Quantity:
  1. Economic order quantity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Economic order quantity is the order quantity that minimizes total inventory holding costs and ordering costs. It is one of the oldest classical production ...
  2. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Definition | Investopedia
    The EOQ formula can be modified to determine production levels or order interval lengths, and is used by large corporations around the world, especially those ...
    Jan 28, 2011 ... Learn what the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model is, the EOQ Formula, Holding and Ordering Cost.
  4. Economic Order Quantity Calculator -
    Economic Order quantity is used to determine the most efficient order size for a company. Ordering inventory cost a company money in several ways, there is a ...
  5. Optimizing Economic Order Quantity EOQ
    article on Economic Order Quantity EOQ calculation including extensive information on inputs to formula.
  6. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) - Encyclopedia - Business Terms ...
    The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is the number of units that a company should add to inventory with each order to minimize the total costs of inventory— such ...
  7. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) definition and Excel formula - Lokad
    Backorder quantity that minimizes inventory costs. Excel formula to optimize EOQ with volume discounts.
  8. Economic order quantity: Definition from
    economic order quantity ( eknmik rdr kwnd ) ( industrial engineering ) The number of orders required to fulfill the econ.