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fixed annuitization method

A retirement fund option that allows participants to withdraw funds prior to the age of 50 1/2 years without a penalty. The method calculates payments by multiplying the account balance at the time of withdrawal request by an annuity factor taken from IRS mortality tables.

Related information about fixed annuitization method:
  1. Fixed Annuitization Method Definition | Investopedia
    One of three methods by which early retirees of any age can access their retirement funds without penalty before turning 50.5. The fixed annuitization method ...
  2. Annuitization Method ( or Fixed annuitization method) | Retirement ...
    Mar 20, 2009 ... Under the fixed annuitization method, the annual payment for each year is determined by dividing the account balance by an annuity factor that ...
  3. What is fixed annuitization method? definition and meaning
    Definition of fixed annuitization method: A retirement fund option that allows participants to withdraw funds prior to the age of 50 1/2 years without a penalty.
  4. Retirement Plans FAQs regarding Substantially Equal Periodic ...
    The fixed annuitization method consists of an account balance, an annuity factor and an annual payment. The annuity factor is calculated based on the mortality ...
  5. SOSEPP: Fixed Annuitization Method - Peter J Reilly Passive - Forbes
    The third SOSEPP distribution method is fixed annuitization which, as you may have guessed, uses an annuitization factor published by the IRS to determine ...
  6. SOSEPP – Fixed Annuitization method – Getting Your Financial ...
    Nov 6, 2008 ... Once you've calculated your annual payment under the Fixed Annuitization method, your future payments will be exactly the same until the ...
  7. 72t Distribution Calculator
    Fixed annuitization method: This method uses an annuity factor to calculate your SEPP. This is one of the most complex methods. The IRS explains it as taking ...
  8. Annuitization Method - Financial Dictionary - The Free Dictionary
    Revenue ruling 2002-62 One-time change from the fixed amortization method or the fixed annuitization method to the required minimum distribution method (all ...